Monday, January 5, 2009

So we have about 5 weeks until the race. We ran 18 miles this past week. 18 MILES! I thought my legs were going to fall off. I simply could not imagine running an extra 8.2 miles on top of it... Training in Kansas over the break was considerably more difficult than running in Gainesville. Hilly terrain, single digit temperatures, and icy sidewalks (yes, I busted a few times). I think it's good I trained on a few hills, I've heard there's a killer bridge in the marathon course.

Now that the race is so close, it's easier to train harder. I know that if I don't train, I won't finish-and it's as easy as that. The real question is, If I do train- does that guarantee me to finish? haha, probably not. 

I'll post again after the 19 mile run this saturday.

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