So we are officially kicking ass. Its been a while since the last post, but we've been plowing through this training like lotti dotti. The six mile runs feel like the three mile runs used to feel. Its starting to feel like, we may get through this! Also a few weekends ago I watched the Rocky series, and I've been pumped ever since. In fact, I play his training song at the end of every run. Thats right, I'm THAT lame. But hey, whatever gets you across the finish line, right?
Today we ran 11 miles. It was amazing, and HEY that's just two miles short of a half-marathon! Speaking of half-marathons our Palm Beach race is in one month from yesterday. Its going to be awesome-possum so get excited. Anyways, at about the 8 mile mark of my run I got mixed in with runners from a 5k on campus. When I turned to run in a different direction they started yelling YOURE GOING THE WRONG WAYYY! It was kind of annoying but also rather hilarious.
Also, Sophie (my sister) has deided to join in on all this running fun. She's going to do half of the full marathon in Feb. WOOOOT. Since the race is on Feb 15, that means a Valentines Day CARB FEST. I'm already super excited about it. lol
OK so thats about it for updates. Thanks for all your song suggestions, and keep them coming! Let me see, I need a variety of good songs, others with great beats, and then I just need some that make me feel like a badass to be quite honest. Thanks for reading!